СЭЗИС - Бүтээлийн сан

Improving the information transparency and disclosure in Mongolian listed companies

Товч мэдээллийг харах

dc.contributor.advisor Батжаргал, Мөнхцог
dc.contributor.author Баатар, Ням-Эрдэнэ
dc.date.accessioned 2020-07-07T07:46:07Z
dc.date.available 2020-07-07T07:46:07Z
dc.date.issued 2020-07-07
dc.identifier Мастер en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.ufe.edu.mn:8080/xmlui/handle/8524/1953
dc.description.abstract An environment with proper corporate governance creates an open and sustainable economy. To maintain such good governance, four basic elements such as accountability, a principle of fairness, transparency, and responsibility are required. Good corporate governance allows companies to attract new investors or raise capital, strengthen sustainability, and reduce costs by aware of responsibilities, ensuring the information is fair and being transparent to the public. Our research work examines the information disclosed by Mongolian listed companies and base on the Transparency Evaluation Model Questionnaire issued by the Mongolian Stock Exchange. Our research work has three chapters and involves main and subparagraphs including theoretical framework, best practice of other countries, current situations of the Mongolian listed companies, and recommendations. en_US
dc.subject Corporate governance, listed company, transparency and disclosure en_US
dc.title Improving the information transparency and disclosure in Mongolian listed companies en_US
ife.Мэргэжил.Нэр Менежментийн санхүүгийн
ife.Мэргэжил.Индекс E340400
ife.Зэрэг Мастер

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Товч мэдээллийг харах