СЭЗИС - Бүтээлийн сан

Identifying Behavioral Biases Of Investors In Mongolia

Товч мэдээллийг харах

dc.contributor.advisor Chang, Jun-Pin
dc.contributor.author Ганхуяг, Энхжин
dc.date.accessioned 2022-09-16T05:45:19Z
dc.date.available 2022-09-16T05:45:19Z
dc.date.issued 2022-09-16
dc.identifier Бакалавр en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.ufe.edu.mn:8080/xmlui/handle/8524/3074
dc.description.abstract The objective of this paper is to identify the influence of behavioral biases on investor decisions and ways to avoid them. The effects of these non-financial factors are known to be distinguished into two subtypes, cognitive and emotional. The cognitive biases include anchoring and adjustments, availability, confirmation, and hindsight. For emotional biases, I chose loss aversion, overconfidence, and regret aversion. A total of 160 samples were collected through a survey. The random sample was comprised of individual investors primarily residing in Ulaanbaatar city. Further, to test all my hypotheses, I used a One Sample t-test. The analysis revealed that five out of seven biases significantly affect investment decisions. This finding indicates that behavioral factors do influence investor decisions in Mongolia. It adds to the existing literature in recognizing that an individual's decision-making processes cannot always be as entirely reasonable as most conventional finance theories suggest. It further allows investors to minimize their potential biases and make better informed financial decisions. en_US
dc.subject санхүүгийн зан төлөв, зан төлөвийн гажуудлууд, танин мэдэхүйн гажуудал, сэтгэл хөдлөлийн гажуудал, хөрөнгө оруулалтын шийдвэр гаргалт en_US
dc.subject behavioral finance, behavioral biases, cognitive bias, emotional bias, investment decision-making en_US
dc.title Identifying Behavioral Biases Of Investors In Mongolia en_US
ife.Мэргэжил.Нэр Менежмент, санхүүгийн
ife.Мэргэжил.Индекс D340400
ife.Зэрэг Бакалавр
ife.Диплом.Зөвлөх Tzang, Shyh-Weir

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