СЭЗИС - Бүтээлийн сан

Гарчгаар Санхүүгийн менежмент /Бакалавр/ нь харах

Гарчгаар Санхүүгийн менежмент /Бакалавр/ нь харах

Ангилах: Дэс дараа: Үр дүн:

  • Баярдалай, Дэлгэрмаа; Төмөр, Жавзандулам (2020-05-23)
    Agricultural sector is major part of Mongolian economy. In this paper, we intended to emphasize possible approaches of VC firm to develop agricultural industry in Mongolian case. We did research on international successful ...
  • Oyungerel, Gantulga (2019-07-04)
    The project relates to minimum variance portfolio of USA.
  • Ouyngerel, Gantulga (2022-03-05)
    Our findings are to relate minimum variance portfolio around ten industries. Our paper’s result of minimum variance divides into three parts which are historical return, Single-index model, Fama and French three factors ...
  • Очирбал, Цацрал; Сүхбаатар, Болор (2020-06-26)
    Considered by IPO underpricing in various markets, this article studied the IPO's abnormal market behavior in an emerging market environment such as Taiwanese stock market. The objective of this research paper is to evaluate ...
  • Эрдэнэбаатар, Энх-Үйлс (2019-06-26)
    Since the first organized exchange in derivatives market was established, derivatives have been capturing huge attention as a tool to transfer and hedge risks. As long as current global derivatives market has already ...
  • Idree, Udval (2021-06-21)
    The purpose of this study was to predict the bankruptcy of Mongolian commercial banks using the Z’’-Score Model originally introduced by Altman (1983). This model was originally applied for small and middle-sized US ...
  • Khadbaatar, Yumsuren (2021-06-21)
    Stock market trend has always been confusing and a challenging for investors and researchers because of several relevant factors. This study aims to robust machine learning model to predict stock price movement with ...
  • Bayaraa, Chantsal (2021-06-21)
    This paper presents the advanced method for stock price forecasting. this text provides a review of the arguments and evidence for stock return predictability. The evidence for weak-form predictability, supported the data ...
  • Enkhbold, Tergelsaran (2024-10-01)
    Volatility signifies the degree of price variation in financial markets influenced by multiple factors, prompting the development of models and statistical tools to forecast its inherently chaotic nature. The main aim of ...
  • Амгаланбаатар, Анужин; Бямбажав, Чингүн (2020-06-26)
    In this paper, we will find out the impact of average wage and exchange rate on inflation to Purchasing power parity /PPP/ in Mongolia. We use monthly average wage, exchange rate, and consumer price index /CPI/ data ...
  • Ганбаатар, Үен; Лхагвасүрэн, Насанбат (2019-06-28)
    Энэхүү дипломын ажил дээр цалин болон инфляц хоорондын холбоо хамаарлыг шалган, гарч ирсэн үр дүн дээр тулгуурлан ямар арга хэмжээ авахад зохистой талаар судалж бичсэн болно. Хоорондын хамаарлыг шалгахад Гренжер Коинтеграцын ...
  • Khuyagbaatar, Namuuzul; Tuvdennyam, Belgutei (2019-06-27)
    Resource nationalism is often cited as the most serious risk to foreign mining investment in developing countries. Mongolia provides an important case study of studying this phenomenon and its impacts, especially during ...
  • Хуягбаатар, Намуунзул; Түвдэнням, Бэлгүтэй (2020-08-27)
    Resource nationalism is often cited as the most serious risk to foreign mining investment in developing countries. Mongolia provides an important case study of studying this phenomenon and its impacts, especially during ...
  • Ganzorig, Gantungalag (2021-06-21)
    The aim of this article is to study the relationship between small and medium enterprises (SME)and loan interest rates in Mongolia. It is essential to deeply consider the development of SME in recent years.
  • Түвшинбаяр, Нандинцэцэг; Зууннаст, Минжин (2020-06-26)
    Based on the approach proposed by Blitz et al. (2013), we examined the performance of the firm portfolios constructed by the residual returns from the Fama-French three factor model (Fama and French, 1993) by sampling the ...
  • Халтар, Түмэнбаяр (2024-03-13)
    Academic and popular literature are developing in tandem with the fluctuating advancement of AI and computer power in their use in banking and financial markets. The financial crisis-induced restrictions on economic ...
  • Зохиогч тодорхойгүй (2018-05-20)
    The purpose of this paper is to determine whether the highly volatile asset such as Bitcoin can become a mainstream investible financial asset class by comparing it to a veteran commodity like gold, silver and platinum, ...
  • Amarsanaa, Chinguun; Bolormaa, Temuulen (2019-06-24)
    This paper analyzes relationship between Shadow Economy and GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in various way. It focuses on the case of several countries such as Mongolia, Russia and China during the period of 1991-2015 of ...
  • Сүхбаатар, Дэлгэрмаа; Баттөгс, Сэцэнчимэг (2021-06-24)
    The application of machine learning for stock prediction is attracting a lot of attention in recent years. A large amount of research has been conducted in this area and multiple existing results have shown that machine ...
  • Жамъяншарав, Номинзул (2023-10-05)
    Gold price forecasting is a crucial task for investors and financial institutions as gold is considered a safe haven asset and an inflation hedge. This study compares the accuracy of two popular time series forecasting ...