СЭЗИС - Бүтээлийн сан

Гарчгаар Санхүүгийн менежмент /Бакалавр/ нь харах

Гарчгаар Санхүүгийн менежмент /Бакалавр/ нь харах

Ангилах: Дэс дараа: Үр дүн:

  • Бадмаараг, Минжин (2023-10-05)
    In this study, I analyze the relationship between managerial compensation, corporate risk, and operating efficiency in Taiwan stock market-listed companies. There are three main aspects to this study. To begin with, ...
  • Бат-Эрдэнэ, Эрдэнэбаяр; Оригжав, Номин-Эрдэнэ (2020-06-30)
    For developing economies, the effect of real effective exchange rate on trade balance may differ from the standard findings depending on country specific characteristics. The data set includes monthly time series of domestic ...
  • Батжаргал, Хуншагай (2021-06-21)
    This article integrates an earning-based capital structure model into a simple real options framework to analyze the effects of availability heuristic and optimistic bias on the interaction between financing and investment ...
  • Shi, Chinbat (2022-06-30)
    In this paper I chose 20 listed companies that pay dividends from first and second classification, 10 from each, and estimated their cost of capital from their financial report. By using Gordon’s Growth Model I got ...
  • Buyandalai, Munkhtsetseg (2019-05-14)
    All sectors of the economy play an important role in making a stable and long running development. Tourism is one of the largest world industries globally and plays an important role in any country‘s economy. It has been ...
  • Sainjargal, Enkhtuul; Tsengelmaa, Namuundari; Myagmarbaatar, Dugarsuren (2019-06-24)
    Nowadays the consumer electronics market has been booming with nearly 23.2% yearly growth rate of sales (FMI (Future market insights), 2018). It is extremely competitive. In this market, Hitachi, Samsung, Sony, Panasonic, ...
  • Луттайван, Номин (2022-06-29)
    Монгол улс дахь ХОС-ийн өнөөгийн байдал, хууль эрх зүй болон олон улс дахь ETF-ийн өнөөгийн байдал, амжилттай ETF-үүдийн жишээ, хууль эрх зүйн зохицуулалтын үндсэн дээр Монгол улсад ETF-ийг нэвтрүүлэх боломжийг судалсан. ...
  • Өсөхбаяр, Тэмүүлэн (2021-06-28)
    This article describes how foreign direct investment in Mongolia has changed in the last ten years also how it affects GDP. Even though FDI into Mongolia has been grown along with the country's economic development with ...
  • Ганбаатар, Энхжаргал (2020-06-30)
    I realize that some country’s lending interest rate is much higher than developed countries. The social and economic development of a country determines how interest rates are set. High interest is not worthless for lenders, ...
  • Гансүх, Саруул; Энхбаатар, Хонгорзул (2020-06-26)
    According to this final project, we have examined the factors affecting the apartment pricing in Mongolia based on the data of 136 economic time series which is of vital importance to the increase of apartment price per ...
  • Баярсайхан, Сайханбат; Түмэнжаргал, Батбаяр; Hasan, Ali (2020-06-26)
    In recent years, people moving to urban areas have increased the demand for housing, accelerated urbanization, and expanded ger districts without planning or regulation accounting for more than 60 percent of the Capital ...
  • Jargalsaikhan, Bertsetseg (2019-06-27)
    This project provides comparative financial statement analyses of the two joint-stock companies operating in Mongolia: APU JSC and SUU JSC. The goal of the paper is to analyze companies’ financial reports and find the areas ...
  • Munkhtur, Zolbayar (2019-06-27)
    This project provides comparative financial statement analyses of the two joint-stock companies operating in Mongolia: APU JSC and SUU JSC. The goal of the paper is to analyze companies’ financial reports and find the ...
  • Баттулга, Нямдэлгэр (2019-06-24)
    For managers to increase corporate value is the goal of financial management and is the goal of all stakeholders. Therefore, understanding the company's internal values and formulating corporate planning and strategic ...
  • Дэлгэрбат, Дэлгэрэх (2024-10-04)
    This study investigates the impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on the Russian stock market, using event study analysis on excel and real-world data, we aim to capture the nuances of how the G-20 Countries stock market ...
  • Нэргүйбаатар, Мөнхцэцэг; Бадралт, Энхжин (2020-06-25)
    In this paper, we will define The Behavioral Equilibrium Exchange Rate (BEER) model on Mongolian tugrik and appraised the difference between the real exchange rate of the tugrik and the equilibrium level against the foreign ...
  • Ganbold, Tselmeg; Boldsaikhan, Amarjargal (2019-06-28)
    In this paper, we investigate the linkage between macroeconomic variables and economic growth in the Mongolia using macro econometric model. Shocks in VEC model were used to identify the contemporaneous and relationships ...
  • Ганхуяг, Батзориг; Даш-Өлзий, Золзаяа; Оюунцэцэг, Мишээл (2020-06-26)
    One of the important and simple ideas of investment is the Mean-Variance Portfolio theory by Markowitz (1952). According to some researchers, MVO is an unstable and error-maximizing procedure, and it is always beaten by ...
  • Ганхуяг, Энхжин (2022-09-16)
    The objective of this paper is to identify the influence of behavioral biases on investor decisions and ways to avoid them. The effects of these non-financial factors are known to be distinguished into two subtypes, ...
  • Нямдэлгэр, Аминаа (2021-06-18)
    The stock market is the main profile of an economy, and investment performance shows. The purpose of this study is to explore and identify the behavioral factors that influencing individual investors’ investment decision ...