СЭЗИС - Бүтээлийн сан

Purchasing Power Parity: The impact of exchange rate and average wage on inflation. /case of Mongolia/

Товч мэдээллийг харах

dc.contributor.advisor Tzang, Shyh-Weir
dc.contributor.author Амгаланбаатар, Анужин
dc.contributor.author Бямбажав, Чингүн
dc.date.accessioned 2020-06-26T10:03:58Z
dc.date.available 2020-06-26T10:03:58Z
dc.date.issued 2020-06-26
dc.identifier Бакалавр en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.ufe.edu.mn:8080/xmlui/handle/8524/1737
dc.description.abstract In this paper, we will find out the impact of average wage and exchange rate on inflation to Purchasing power parity /PPP/ in Mongolia. We use monthly average wage, exchange rate, and consumer price index /CPI/ data from the first month of 1999 to the third month of 2020. Before the 2000s, Depending on Mongolian policy, the average wage was low. As a result, purchasing power became poor too. Since 2000, as Mongolian society has undergone significant changes, the average wage has risen steadily. But Mongolian currency /tukrig/ is losing power against the USA dollar. Therefore, this thesis will be conducted on how these changes will affect inflation and Purchasing power. en_US
dc.subject Судалгаа en_US
dc.subject Худалдан авах чадварын судалгаа en_US
dc.subject Purchasing Power Parity: The impact of exchange rate and average wage on inflation. en_US
dc.title Purchasing Power Parity: The impact of exchange rate and average wage on inflation. /case of Mongolia/ en_US
ife.Мэргэжил.Нэр Менежмент, санхүүгийн
ife.Мэргэжил.Индекс D340400
ife.Зэрэг Бакалавр
ife.Диплом.Зөвлөх Tsai, Feng-Tse

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