СЭЗИС - Бүтээлийн сан

Factors affecting the apartment pricing in Mongolia

Товч мэдээллийг харах

dc.contributor.advisor Tzang, Shyh Weir
dc.contributor.author Гансүх, Саруул
dc.contributor.author Энхбаатар, Хонгорзул
dc.date.accessioned 2020-06-26T09:19:16Z
dc.date.available 2020-06-26T09:19:16Z
dc.date.issued 2020-06-26
dc.identifier Бакалавр en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.ufe.edu.mn:8080/xmlui/handle/8524/1734
dc.description.abstract According to this final project, we have examined the factors affecting the apartment pricing in Mongolia based on the data of 136 economic time series which is of vital importance to the increase of apartment price per square meter. The series represent the four main factors of macroeconomic time series from demand side: Monthly income of one household, Inflation in construction, Interest rate, Unemployment rate from January 2009 and April 2020. We have found that these four main factors affect Apartment price significantly due to the Least Squares Method, the linear regression model which is broadly used in academic field. Specifically, the estimated factors were highly correlated to Apartment price according to covariance and correlation analysis. en_US
dc.subject Apartment price en_US
dc.subject Mongolia en_US
dc.subject unemployment rate en_US
dc.subject monthly income of one household en_US
dc.subject empirical analysis en_US
dc.subject inflation en_US
dc.title Factors affecting the apartment pricing in Mongolia en_US
dc.title.alternative Монголын орон сууцны үнэд нөлөөлөгч хүчин зүйлсийн судалгаа en_US
ife.Мэргэжил.Нэр Менежмент, санхүүгийн
ife.Мэргэжил.Индекс D340400
ife.Зэрэг Бакалавр

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